Migration Notice: We’re excited to announce that this service will soon transition to a new, improved platform: the
youSleep Portal.
The youSleep Portal offers several new features, including faster processing, support for scoring multiple studies simultaneously, more comprehensive visualization tools for signal and analysis outputs, and the ability to run pipelines of sleep analysis algorithms like U-Sleep on your data.
The research version of U-Sleep, available here, will also be accessible on the youSleep Portal.
Thank you using U-Sleep in your research! We look forward to bringing you this upgraded service.
The youSleep Portal offers several new features, including faster processing, support for scoring multiple studies simultaneously, more comprehensive visualization tools for signal and analysis outputs, and the ability to run pipelines of sleep analysis algorithms like U-Sleep on your data.
The research version of U-Sleep, available here, will also be accessible on the youSleep Portal.
Thank you using U-Sleep in your research! We look forward to bringing you this upgraded service.
The Free and Public Sleep Staging Project
U-Sleep is an online service for automatic clinical sleep staging. It maps clinical polysomnography (PSG) data to sleep stages.
The U-Sleep webservice is made available free-of-charge by the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark in collaboration with the Danish Center for Sleep Medicine, Rigshospitalet Glostrup, Denmark. The project is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark under grant U-Sleep (9131-00099B).
Please note:
- This service is for scientific & non-commercial use only.
- This service has not been approved for clinical application.
- You accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service when using this service.